
The hollow sections can accommodate building services such as plumbing and electrical conduits.
Hamannwall is a load bearing building panel with a multitude of uses for the construction industry.

It is ideal for just about any construction in which current building practices are used and is suitable for single, double or multi-storey housing and for commercial and industrial development.

HamannWall eliminates the need for bricks, timber wall frames and plasterboard as it serves as both the internal and external load bearing wall.

Hamannwall of its low energy and environmental credentials, Hamannwall is particularly suitable in areas where traditional building materials, that have high energy usage, high carbon emissions or cause degradation to the environment, are no longer sustainable. 

Hamannwall panels are manufactured, in molding process, from high grade gypsum plaster and glass-fiber roving's to a size of 12 meters by 3 meters by 124 millimeters thick. The hollow sections, or voids, have 250 millimeter centers.

The panels are cut in the factory to design specifications to a maximum tolerance of 5 millimeters.

After cutting, the panels are loaded onto collapsible frames called stillages ready for transport to the building site. Up to 500 m² of Hamannwall can be transported on one truck.

The panels are lowered into position using a small crane and supported by props until the structure is completed.

The formed cells can be filled with insulation for increased thermal performance or with concrete for increased load-bearing structural capacity.
Specifications Unfilled Filled with concrete
Weight (124mm Hamannwall 44 kg/m² 250 kg/m²
Sound rating (Rw) 48 dB 54 dB
Fire Rating 1 hour 4 hours*
Ultimate Design Bending Capacity Ø x 2.5 kNm/metre width Ø x 22.7 kNm/metre width
Load Bearing Capacity 100kN/m - 2 Stories residential 870kN/M filled with 20Mpa concrete - 8 stories (Typically)
Void volume / M2 86 liters / m² N.A.
Horizontal shear strength  50kN/m T.B.A. 
Axial Load capacity / compressive strength 160kN/m T.B.A.
Water Absorption Less than 5% after 24 hours immersion N.A.